Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 4, 2104

Matthew 25:45 (ESV)  Then he will answer them saying, "Truly I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me."   

As I begin my journey through Advent this year, Jesus keeps putting scripture like this in my hands and mind.    I so realize that the Babe should foster feelings of benevolence and that I  should be going out of my way to  share my abundant blessings with those in places of need.  I get that to walk like Jesus means sacrifice and risk.  But, I am busy!    I have gifts to purchase and groceries to lay in and wrapping to do.    December is such a busy month!  What's that?  What is the real meaning of the Babe in the manger?   Uh???  Wait a minute.   I know this one!   What.   Yeah I got it!  Jesus came to serve so that we might see his example, and strive to also serve others.   Hm.    A second look at Matthew makes me realize that this sin of omission disappoints Jesus.   He tells us that we not only turn our back on the less fortunate when we do not tend to them, we also turn our back on Jesus.   Oh my!    I have some serious compensation to take care of.    Care to join me?

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